we humans always learn at the climax of every inciddent. we dont learn when we are supposed to but we learn things we hit rock bottom. or at least thats what Keanu Reeves said in his movie " when the earth stood still". i see some correlations of this movie with life. i mean its true. try to imagine when do u think is the best way for u to study? of course during the last minute kan. hahha.
well same goes in life. i believe God is fair in making judgement and giving us signs. we have to look carefully for those signs in order for us to understand the message of what He is trying to send to us. get it? i mean if u think ur a genius and dont need to study ull know wether its true or not when u see ur grades. and if states that u got a pointer of 3.34 thats not 'genius'. thats normal and u need to strive more sucka! hahha. well i have been wondering why some people get things so easily and some people have to work their butts off just to get a bit of air in success, is it their efforts or the way the do it? or is it just genetics that control it? well maybe it is just God' way of saying that there is something wrong in what we do and we need to revise those actions and improve , improve and IMPROVE!!
in life we need to know that winning is not everything. hhaha. i know i had said this earlier in my previous post but i couldnt help it. FAILURE i a huge word in which it would crush a lot of hopes and dreams. like the dreams of kids in a team trying so hard to win a fricking tournament. guys i know that u guys are morally down nd my speech that evening wasnt to demoralise u guys some more but it is merely an initiative of trying to lift u guys higher to achieve greater heights. so get ur stuff ready and ur fatcs straight. u guys can do it. i know. ill guide u through it. haha. take i as SIGN so that u guys we get up and run faster to catch up with the rest.
and as for U. i know u know that i am tallking to u. i have lost u once and im not going to loose u this time. i promise ill be better and try to be better. lets make Rayyan and Aliyah happen! i love you and there i said it on the web that ILOVEYOU! i publicly announced that i love you and i want to grow old with u sayang. if u think that it cant any cornier than this u just wait. haha. u are all that i ever wanted and all i ever hoped for. i dont ask for more than just a girl who is maturely brilliant. and ALLAH gave me a maturely brilliant + something sweet and i LIKKKEE! i love you and i want this to last. INSYALLAH.

i guess thats all. :))
I'm uglyyyyy in this picture. mcm nenek tua. i don't likeee. i'm gona cry everyday till u change my picture :( :( uwaa.uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
ReplyDeleteI lovelove you too. Insyallah it will last.
thanks for this postt possto baby. noo lahh. ur the smart one, not me. thanks.
&HAHAHA why on earth u publicize our imaginary child? hahahhaahha ngek.now d everybody would noe :( ahhaha
i awwed. aku dah comment semua benda dah ni -_-"
ReplyDeletetapi nak gak comment. i awwed. twice!