education does not stand alone in the 4 brick walls that we call classroom. it have to be done through out one's life. the understanding of one's life and knowledge of his/hers environment is very important for them to really heed in success. we malaysian are so in need for a wake up call to wake us up from this 53 years of slumber and we need to progress to move forward. now let us not get so very sentimental now. i mean we have been fed with the ideas of how great our forefathers are and how successful we are in gaining independence till that we forget that the greatness doesnt stop there. it needs to be continued improved by us the so called the 'next generation'. wake up guys! wake up!
well firstly lets talk about the sentiment of racism and malays rights. this is an agreement that was done years and decades ago. and i do believe that with time the conditions and the requirements of a society might change. like back in those days wearing a pants for a woman was a taboo scene but now it is a normal scene. but sometimes there are things that cannot be abolished completely and needs time to cope with. well this is what the rights of malays are. if u look really carefully in the malay perspective is that they have been spoon fed by the government for far too long and the progression of making them more independent requires time and effort. plus if we could break this barrier of racism and just let our bloods flow together regardless of how they would smell it would be great for this country.dont get me wrong im all in with all the malay rights and how important it is, it is just that with time we need to be more idealistic with time and the society rights. it is like a big family. it consist of biological children and foster children. with time although these foster child do not have those what so called blood ties with the parents but should they be treated any different? haha id thought so. and there will always be that special treatments for the biological kids. kan?
then we can see the political scene in malaysia right now are very politically biased to side on only one party. where is the democracy in that? how can that spur the belief of democracy in us, the society? how can it really educate us in believing which party to side on? and how can it really improve the government's cabinet in improving their quality of work. for me its just very straight forward biased. is this what we call fair play? hell no! these politicians are so concern in keeping their hands clean from any dirt that might stain their shiny bally shoes. why cant we see any wakil rakyat coming down and really paying attention on what is really happening to the social scene right now? why are they so afraid on how the smoke from the cheap indonesian cigarettes of their people might catch on their expansive polo shirts? no offense but i am just not satisfied on how our political scene is carried out. why must we be very fanatical on these political party issues when we are living in the same god forsaken country. let us look in the scene in terengganu, on the project of Paya Bunga Mall. how it is becoming an empty building in the middle of the so called Bandar Pesisir Air. what is the cause? just because BN lost to PAS in the elections. where is the democracy in that? where is the unity in that? how can improve with that?
well to before i go i would just like to say to my readers this post is just a reminder of how great malaysia can be and of how high we can achieve if we could just stop this nonsense and just focus on the development and to break the grounds of possibilities that we can achieve. i know many wont read this post because its too long but heck who cares. i only have two followers. :))