Im The Master of My Fate and The Captain of My Soul

Friday, May 21, 2010


I'll never be the same if we ever meet again. words uttered by the fat timbaland and my ex wife katy perry. hahah. man i do sound so alike to a douchebag i once know. haha. bia lantaq pi lah no. well this post is a first after i think so many weeks. haha. A LOT HAD HAPPENED! results went out. and for most of the results that came out some really impressed me and some others made me realize more *not that i dont know that it is* that the world is a tough place. and FYI i am working! hahahahha.

well havent you felt a sudden scare of seperation and saying goodbye?
i mean to that person that helped you for many years and to say goodbye. and to the new people that you saw firstly as more to a threat rather than a friend. but as time grows the friendship too grows in us. and to say goodbye after all that? this is sad. and to say bye-bye to ur best friends who were there most of the times when it is needed. and to say bye-bye to them after all the adventure you all have. now that is sad. and to have to make new ones in a totally new environment and to write a new chapter with new characters and to start it all over.

separation is a hard thing and challenging situation. i hope U would understand that i wont be long. and during the mean time let us be patience. if it is destined and written we would meet again. u know who u are. and hahaha. man wan ko ni memanf 'gay' buat bende sedih mcm ni tapi heck what gives. hahah. mental block and i guess that is all for now.

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